Program Committee
Program Chair
AI and Web Track Chairs
The Main Track has a 3-tier structure with Area Chairs, Senior Program Committee Members and Program Committee Members.
The AI and Web Track has a 2-tier structure with Senior Program Committee Members and Program Committee Members.
The ribbons next to the names of PC members indicate the endorsements they received from other PC members about their quality of reviewing. 
- Sheila McIlraith, University of Toronto
- Thomas Eiter, Vienna University of Technology
- Kevin Leyton-Brown, University of British Columbia
- Reid Simmons, Carnegie Mellon University
- Daniel Borrajo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Sven Koenig, University of Southern California
- Toby Walsh, NICTA and UNSW
- Ronen Brafman, Ben-Gurion University
- Daniel Bryce, SIFT, LLC
- Boi Faltings, EPFL
- Joohyung Lee, Arizona State University
- Ece Kamar, Microsoft Research
- Zhi-Hua Zhou, Nanjing University
- Nevin L. Zhang, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
- Prasad Tadepalli, Oregon State University
- Shlomo Zilberstein, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Malte Helmert, University of Basel
- Fangzhen Lin, HKUST
- Giuseppe De Giacomo, Sapienza Universita’ di Roma
- Long Nguyen, University of Michigan
- Sarit Kraus, Dept of Computer Science Bar Ilan University
- Huan Liu, Arizona State University
- Russ Greiner, University of Alberta
- Hwee Tou Ng, National University of Singapore
- Stephen Smith, Carnegie Mellon University
- Craig Boutilier, Google
- Simone Paolo Ponzetto, University of Mannheim
- Francesca Rossi, University of Padova and Harvard University
- Jonathan Gratch, University of Southern California
- Minh B. Do, NASA Ames Research Center
- Peter Stone, University of Texas at Austin/Department of Computer Sciences
- Fahiem Bacchus, University of Toronto
- David Poole, University of British Columbia
- Jérôme Lang, LAMSADE
- Manuela Veloso, Carnegie Mellon University
- Pushpak Bhattacharyya, IIT Patna
- Devi Parikh, Virginia Tech
- Emma Brunskill, Carnegie Mellon University
- Adnan Darwiche, University of California, Los Angeles
- Bart Selman, Cornell University
- Milind Tambe, University of Southern California
- Alan Fern, Oregon State University
- Julie Shah, MIT
- Chiranjib Bhattacharyya, Indian Institute of Science
Senior Program Committee Members (Main Track)
- Sven Seuken, University of Zurich

- Carlos Linares, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

- Bruno Zanuttini, GREYC, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, CNRS UMR 6072, ENSICAEN
- Sebastian Sardina, RMIT University

- Rob Holte, University of Alberta

- Roni Stern, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
- Marc Denecker, K.U.Leuven
- Tie-Yan Liu, Microsoft Research
- Eugene Vorobeychik, Vanderbilt University
- Kewen Wang, Griffith University
- Carsten Lutz, Universität Bremen
- Thomas Schiex, INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)

- Aranyak Mehta, Google, Inc.
- Susan Craw, The Robert Gordon University
- Roni Khardon, Tufts University

- Stefan Edelkamp, University of Bremen
- Esra Erdem, Sabanci University
- Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

- Sylvie Thiebaux, ANU
- Roman Klinger, University of Stuttgart
- Kristian Kersting, TU Dortmund University
- Ulle Endriss, ILLC, University of Amsterdam
- Markus Kroetzsch, Technische Universität Dresden
- Maria Silvia, Pini University of Padova
- Ian Kash, Microsoft Research Cambridge
- Mark Boddy, Adventium Labs
- Christer Backstrom, Linköping University

- Avi Rosenfeld, Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT)

- Pierre Marquis, CRIL-CNRS and Université d’Artois
- Kanna Rajan, Faculty of Engineering, Univ. of Porto, Portugal
- Tom Walsh, MIT

- Riccardo Rasconi, ISTC-CNR

- Kathryn Blackmond Laskey, George Mason University
- Jeremy Frank, NASA
- Pedro Cabalar, University of Corunna

- J Benton, Smart Information Flow Technologies
- Sylvain Bouveret, LIG - Grenoble INP

- Ed Durfee, University of Michigan
- Meghyn Bienvenu, CNRS, University of Montpellier, INRIA
- Roman Bartak, Charles University in Prague
- Nick Hawes, University of Birmingham
- Jochen Renz, ANU
- Frank Wolter, University of Liverpool
- Rodrigo Ventura, Institute for Systems and Robotics
- Vinay Chaudhri, SRI International
- Michael Gelfond, Texas Tech University
- De-Nian Yang, Academia Sinica
- Heni Ben Amor, Arizona State University
- Blai Bonet, Universidad Simon Bolivar
- Pedro Meseguer, IIIA - CSIC
- Daniele Magazzeni, King’s College London
- Catholijn Jonker, Delft University of Technology
- Oliver Schulte, Simon Fraser University

- David V., Pynadath Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California
- Joao Leite, NOVA LINCS, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
- Ariel Felner, Ben-Gurion University
- Gabriella Cortellessa, CNR - National Research Council of Italy
- Horst Samulowitz, IBM Research
- Yadati Narahari, Indian Institute of Science

- Berthe Choueiry, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Xin Geng, Southeast University

- Sriraam Natarajan, Indiana University
- Jean Lieber, LORIA - INRIA Lorraine
- Thomas Lukasiewicz, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford
- Yu Tony, Zhang ASU
- Yves Lesperance, York University

- David Pearce, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Martin Wehrle, University of Basel
- Frank Hutter, University of Freiburg
- Chris Biemann, TU Darmstadt, Germany
- Kobi Gal, Ben Gurion University
- Umberto Grandi, University of Toulouse
- Jonas Kvarnstrom, Linköping University
- Vincent Conitzer, Duke University
- Jens Kober, TU Delft
- Ming Li, National Lab for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University
- Philippe Laborie, IBM
- Samantha Kleinberg, Stevens Institute of Technology
- Janardhan Rao, Doppa Washington State University
- Zinovi Rabinovich, Mobileye Vision Technologies Ltd.

- Kelly Yiping, Ke Nanyang Technological University
- Paul Weng, SYSU-CMU JIE

- Shirin Sohrabi Araghi, IBM Research
- Lihong Li, Microsoft Research

- Tomasz Michalak, University of Oxford and University of Warsaw
- Makoto Yokoo, Kyushu University
- Gilles Pesant, 'Ecole Polytechnique de Montr’eal
- Maria Gini, University of Minnesota
- Wolfgang Faber, University of Huddersfield
- Kartik Talamadupula, IBM Research, USA
- Ioannis Caragiannis, University of Patras
- Guy Shani, Ben Gurion University
- Kin Man, Poon HKIEd
- Tuyls Karl, University of Liverpool
- Gianluigi Greco, University of Calabria
- Ron Petrick, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh

- Markus Bohlin, SICS
- Miroslaw Truszczynski, Computer Science Department, University of Kentucky
- Cees Witteveen, Delft University of Technology
- Noa Agmon, Bar Ilan University
- Alessandro Cimatti, FBK-irst
- Jussi Rintanen, Aalto University
- Michela Milano, DEIS Universita’ di Bologna
- Noam Hazon, Ariel University
- Nic Wilson, Insight UCC, Cork
- Nick Mattei, NICTA and University of New South Wales
- Holger Hoos, University of British Columbia
- William Haskell, National University of Singapore
- Mohan Sridharan, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Auckland
- Emmanuel Hebrard, LAAS, CNRS
- Eric Eaton, University of Pennsylvania
- Alessandro Saffiotti, Orebro University

- Jihie Kim, Software R&D Center, Samsung Electronics
- Domenico Lembo, Sapienza University of Rome
- Sarvapali Gopal, Ramchurn University of Southampton
- Scott Niekum, University of Texas at Austin
- Nicolas Maudet, Université Paris 6
- Gerhard Lakemeyer, RWTH Aachen University
- Yan Zhang, University of Western Sydney
- Hoong Chuin, Lau Singapore Management University
- Erik Talvitie, Franklin & Marshall College
- Andreas Herzig, IRIT-CNRS
- Mirjam Minor, Goethe University Frankfurt
- George Konidaris, Duke
- Laura Hiatt, Naval Research Laboratory
- Bilge Mutlu, University of Wisconsin–Madison
- Evgenia Ternovska, Simon Fraser University
- David Stracuzzi, Sandia National Laboratories
- Jeff Rosenschein, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Diego Calvanese, KRDB Research Centre, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
- Zack Rubinstein, Carnegie Mellon University
- Neil Yorke-Smith, American University of Beirut
- Catherine Pelachaud, CNRS Telecom ParisTech
- Virginia Dignum, TU Delft
- Edith Elkind, University of Oxford
- Emily Mower, Provost University of Michigan
- Alessandro Lazaric, SequeL Project, INRIA Lille-Nord Europe
- Matteo Leonetti, University of Texas at Austin
- Soumya Ray, Case Western Reserve University
- Nina Narodytska, Samsung Research America
- Akshat Kumar, Singapore Management University

- Francisco Melo, Instituto Superior Tecnico/INESC-ID
- Sven Behnke, University of Bonn
- Hector Geffner, ICREA & Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Tomi Janhunen, Aalto University
- Fabio Cozman, Universidade de Sao Paulo
- Nathan Sturtevant, University of Denver
- Ruggiero Cavallo, Yahoo! Research
- Ashish Sabharwal, AI2

- Hendrik Blockeel, K.U. Leuven
- Dan Lizotte, University of Western Ontario
- Alessio Lomuscio, Imperial College London
- Hanghang Tong, City College, CUNY
- Abdel-Illah Mouaddib, GREYC universit de Caen
- Christopher Amato, University of New Hampshire

- Pascal Hitzler, Wright State University
- Leora Morgenstern, Leidos
- Kevin Duh, Johns Hopkins University
- Frans Oliehoek, Univ. of Amsterdam / Univ. of Liverpool
- Shimon Whiteson, University of Oxford
- Rolf Niedermeier, TU Berlin
- Maxim Likachev, Carnegie Mellon University
- Giovambattista Ianni, University of Calabria, Italy
- Tina Eliassi-Rad, Rutgers University
- Adi Botea, IBM Research
- Jesse Davis, KU Leuven
- Chitta Baral, Arizona State University
- Yisong Yue, California Institute of Technology
- Kate Larson, University of Waterloo
- Scott Sanner, NICTA
- Karen Haigh, BBN Technologies
- Qiaozhu Mei, University of Michigan
- Vs Subrahmanian, Univ. of Maryland
- Torsten Schaub, University of Potsdam
- Jingrui He, Arizona State University
- Franz Baader, TU Dresden
- Dongwon Lee, National Science Foundation
- Rong Zhou, Palo Alto Research Center
- Bo An, Nanyang Technological University
- Yi-Dong Shen, Institute of Software, the Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Hankz Hankui, Zhuo Department of Computer Science, Sun Yat-sen University
- Mikhail Soutchanski, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario
- Alex Fukunaga, The University of Tokyo
- Ann Nicholson, Monash University
- Matt Brown, University of Alberta
- Michael Coen, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Anders Jonsson, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Tetsunari Inamura, National Institute of Informatics

- Siddharth Srivastava, UTRC Berkeley
- Eneko Agirre, University of the Basque Country
- Jin Tian, Iowa State University
- Christopher Kiekintveld, University of Texas at El Paso
- Marc G., Bellemare Google DeepMind
- Onn Shehory, IBM Haifa Research Lab
- Cyrill Stachnis, University of Freiburg
- Lei Yu, Binghamton University
- Stephanie Rosenthal, Carnegie Mellon University
- Ruvan Weerasinghe, University of Colombo School of Computing
- Mary-Anne Williams, Innovation and Enterprise Research Lab, UTS
- Sanmay Das, Washington University in St. Louis
- Jana Kohler, Hochschule Luzern
- Honglak Lee, University of Michigan
- Pascal Denis, INRIA
- Barry O’Sullivan, 4C, University College Cork, Ireland
- Christian Bessiere, CNRS
- Sandip Sen, University of Tulsa
- Ariel Procaccia, Carnegie Mellon University
- Judy Goldsmith, University of Kentucky
- Domenico Salvagnin, University of Padova
- Quoc Viet, Le Google
- Dan Sheldon, University of Massachusetts
- Vibhav Gogate, The University of Texas at Dallas
- Daniele Nardi, University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- Cassio P., de Campos Queen’s University Belfast
- Zhouchen Lin, Peking University

- Luc De, Raedt Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- Jiahuai You, Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta,Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- Ian Miguel, University of St Andrews
- Meinolf Sellmann, IBM Research
- Xiaoli Fern, Oregon State University
- Gerard de, Melo Tsinghua University
- Matthew Taylor, Washington State University
- Maria Fox, King’s College London
- Sinno Jialin, Pan Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Stacy Marsella, Northeastern University
- Yoram Bachrach, Microsoft Research, Cambridge
- Yang Liu, Tsinghua University
- Alfonso Gerevini, University of Brescia
- Maurice Pagnucco, The University of New South Wales
- Lise Getoor, University of Maryland, College Park
- Laura Barbulescu, Carnegie Mellon University
- Kun Zhang, Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tuebingen
- Guy Van, den Broeck UCLA
- Siddharth Patwardhan, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
- Malik Ghallab, LAAS-CNRS
- Robby Goetschalckx, Oregon State University
- Tan Ah, Hwee School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
- Yuhong Guo, Temple University
- Claude-Guy Quimper, Université Laval
- Alessandro Moschitti, QCRI and University of Trento
- Alex Rogers, University of Oxford
- Parag Singla, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
- Piotr Faliszewski, AGH University of Science and Technology
- Sebastien Lahaie, Microsoft Research
- Tuomas Sandholm, Carnegie Mellon University, Computer Science Dept
- Joerg Hoffman, Saarland University
- Munindar Singh, NCSU
- Andrea Thomaz, UT Austin

- Dekai Wu, HKUST
- Frank Broz, Plymouth University
- Mohak Shah, Bosch Research
- Adrian Pearce, The University of Melbourne
- Tristan Cazenave, Université de Paris Dauphine
- Baoxin Li, ASU
- Jorge Baier, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Yong Jae, Lee UC Davis
- Mohammad Ghavamzadeh, INRIA Lille
- James Delgrande, Simon Fraser University
- Ravi Balaraman, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
- Tijl De Bie, University of Bristol, Dept. of Eng. Math.

- Marc Hanheide, University of Lincoln
- Bill Smart, Oregon State University
- Felix Brandt, Technische Universität München
- Katja Filippova, Google
- Finale Doshi-Velez, Harvard
- Dragos Margineantu, Boeing Research & Technology
- Bao Ho, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Richard Sutton, University of Alberta
- C.V. Jawahar, CVIT, IIIT, Hyderabad
- Wray Buntine, Monash University
- Aurélie Beynier, University of Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris 6), LIP6
- Dipti Mishra, Sharma IIIT
- Eva Onaindía, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
- Fernando Fernández, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- James Caverlee, Texas A&M
- John Paisley, Columbia University
- Jörg Rothe, Universität Düsseldorf
- Jose M., Peña Linköping University
- Matti Järvisalo, University of Helsinki
- Sébastien Konieczny, CRIL - CNRS
- Liz Sonenberg, Melbourne University, Department of Information Systems
- Daniel Lowd, University of Oregon
- Albert Jiang, University of Southern California
- Adriana Kovashka, University of Pittsburgh
- Nicola Policella, ESA/ESOC
- Mark Reidl, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Vasumathi Raman, United Technologies Research Center
- Joakim Nivre, Uppsala University
- Fei Sha, U. of California
- Igor Jurisica, Ontario Cancer Institute
- Stephen Muggleton, Department of Computing, Imperial College London
- Lirong Xia, RPI
- Claire Monteleoni, George Washington University
- Pat Flaherty, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- Partha Talukdar, Indian Institute of Science
- David Pennock, Microsoft Research
- Rong Yang, Palo Alto Research Center
- Brent Venable, Tulane University and IHMC
- Elizabeth Sklar, King’s College London
- Stefan Szeider, Vienna University of Technology
- David Leake, Indiana University
- Willem-Jan van, Hoeve Carnegie Mellon University
- Paul Scerri, Carnegie Mellon University
- Shivani Agarwal, Indian Institute of Science
- Michal Pechoucek, Department of Computer Science, Czech Technical University in Prague
- Huan Xu, National University of Singapore
- Pinar Yolum, Bogazici University
- James Kwok, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Zengchang Qin, Beihang University
- Jeff Pan, University of Aberdeen
- Mehul Bhatt, The University of Bremen
- Brian Scassellati, Yale
- Stefano Ermon, Stanford
- Gerhard Neumann, TU Darmstadt
- Kalina Bontcheva, University of Sheffield
- Matthijs Spaan, Delft University of Technology
- Changhe Yuan, Queens College/City University of New York
- Andreas Krause, ETH Zurich
- Deyi Xiong, Institute for infocomm research
- Saketh Nath, J. Asst. Prof.
- Mark Schmidt, UBC
- Pradeep Varakantham, Singapore Management University
- Satish Tksk, University of Southern California
- Purushottam Kar, Microsoft Research India
- Grigoris Antoniou, University of Huddersfield
- Mike Wooldridge, University of Oxford
- Xiaojun Wan, Peking University
- Byron Boots, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Hung Bui, NLU Lab, Nuance
- Yoong Keok, Lee IBM Research
- Francis Bond, Nanyang Technological University
- Barnabas Poczos, Carnegie Mellon University
- Plamen Angelov, Lancaster University, UK
- Liang Huang, City University of New York (CUNY)
- Song-Chun Zhu, UCLA
- Kuansan Wang, Microsoft Research
- Sadao Kurohashi, Kyoto University
- Abdel-Illah Mouaddib, GREYC universit de Caen
Program Committee Members (Main Track)
- Florian Pommerening, University of Basel
- Alexandre Niveau, GREYC
- Aris Filos-Ratsikas, University of Oxford

- Eric Sodomka, Brown University
- Miquel Ramirez, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Australian National University
- Stefan Borgwardt, TU Dresden
- Wlodzimierz Drabent, IPI PAN Warszawa
- Paul Harrenstein, University of Oxford
- Nolan Bard, University of Alberta
- Hau Chan, Trinity University
- Tommaso Urli, NICTA
- Marlos Machado, University of Alberta
- Yevgeny Kazakov, The University of Ulm
- Hector Palacios, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Yair Zick, Carnegie Mellon University

- Baharak Rastegari, University of Glasgow

- Pierre Bisquert, INRA

- Alexandra Coman, Ohio Northern University

- Thomas Keller, University of Basel
- Frank Loebe, University of Leipzig
- Guillem Frances, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Jens Classen, RWTH Aachen University
- Gergely Neu, INRIA Lille – Nord Europe
- Patrik Haslum, ANU

- Robert Neches, ISI

- Antony Hunter, University College London
- Matthias Knorr, NOVA LINCS, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
- Thomas Bolander, Technical University of Denmark
- Florent Teichteil, Airbus Group Innovations
- Angelo Montanari, University of Udine
- Glenn Wagner, Carnegie Mellon Univserity, Robotics Institute
- Rick Valenzano, University of Toronto
- Pierre Schaus, UCLouvain

- Paolo Felli, The University of Nottingham
- Martin Brain, University of Oxford
- Balazs Szorenyi, Research Group on Artificial Intelligence, Hungarian Acad. of Sci. and Univ. of Szeged

- Andrey Kolobov, Microsoft Research

- Joachim Hertzberg, University of Osnabrueck
- Rodrigo de Salvo Braz, SRI International
- Carl Schultz, The University of Muenster
- David Rajaratnam, University of New South Wales
- Ron Alford, ASEE/NRL Postdoc
- Jerome Mengin, IRIT - Université de Toulouse
- Martin Kronegger, TU Wien
- Bo Waggoner, Harvard

- Olivier Buffet, INRIA / LORIA

- Levi H., S. Lelis Universidade Federal de Viçosa
- Bart Bogaerts, Department of Computer Science, Aalto University
- Bugra Caskurlu, TOBB University of Economics and Technology
- Viliam Lisy, Czech Technical University in Prague
- Roland Yap, Hock Chuan National University of Singapore
- Stefan Mengel, Laboratoire d’Informatique de l’École Polytechnique (LIX), École Polytechnique

- Sricharan Kumar, Palo Alto Research Center

- Branislav Bosansky, Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University
- Florian Brandl, Technische Universität München
- Leenkiat Soh, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Simina Brnzei, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

- Antonin Komenda, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering,Czech Technical University in Prague
- Aaron Hunter, British Columbia Institute of Technology
- Giuseppe Perelli, University of Oxford
- Luca Carlone, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Sofia Ceppi, University of Edinburgh
- Baris Akgun, Georgia Institute of Technology

- Panagiotis Kanellopoulos, University of Patras

- Robin Cohen, U Waterloo

- Roberto Rossi, University of Edinburgh
- Yahia Lebbah, University of Oran
- Marc Lanctot, Google DeepMind
- Santiago Ontan, Drexel University

- Mauro Vallati, University of Huddersfield
- Ming Lin, University of Michigan
- Fabrizio Riguzzi, University of Ferrara
- David Sabel, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main
- Joel Oren, University of Toronto, DCS
- Diederik Roijers, University of Amsterdam
- Juan Antonio, Rodriguez-Aguilar IIIA-CSIC
- Nisarg Shah, Carnegie Mellon University
- Boyang Li, Disney Research

- Rafael Frongillo, CU Boulder

- Marius Lindauer, University of Freiburg
- Marco Manna, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Calabria
- Stephen Lee-Urban, GTRI
- Mark Roberts, NRC Postdoc, Naval Research Laboratory
- Tom Balyo, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Chris Wilkens, Yahoo Labs

- Jiehua Chen, TU Berlin
- Nello Murano, Universita’ di Napoli “Federico II”
- Frank Foerster, University of Hertfordshire
- Umut Oztok, UCLA
- Alberto Lluch-Lafuente, Technical University of Denmark
- Paul Vernaza, NEC Laboratories America
- Veronika Cheplygina, Erasmus Medical Center
- Yanjing Wang, Department of Philosophy, Peking University
- Stefano Ferilli, Universita’ di Bari

- Julian Gutierrez, University of Oxford
- Antonis Bikakis, University College London

- Tran Cao, Son New Mexico State University
- Marco Montali, KRDB Research Centre, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
- Philippe Muller, IRIT, Toulouse University
- Matthew Gombolay, MIT
- Stefano V. Albrecht, The University of Texas at Austin

- Peter Jonsson, Link"{o}ping University
- Francois Schwarzentruber, École normale supérieure de Rennes
- Yavor Nenov, University of Oxford

- Christian Muise, University of Melbourne
- Ben London, University of Maryland, College Park
- Enrico Scala, ANU Research School in Computer Science
- Vasilis Gkatzelis, UC Berkeley and Drexel University
- Lena Schend, Universitaet Duesseldorf
- Nan Jiang, University of Michigan
- Carmine Ventre, Teesside University
- Christian Komusiewicz, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
- Ingo Weber, NICTA
- Marco Roveri, FBK-irst
- Martin Allen, UW-La Crosse Computer Science
- Dorothea Baumeister, Universitaet Duesseldorf
- Marcin Dziubinski, Institute of Informatics, University of Warsaw
- Markus Wagner, School of Computer Science
- Marcos Cramer, Universiy of Luxembourg
- Robert Woodward, Constraint Systems Laboratory, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Mustafa Bilgic, Illinois Institute of Technology
- Clemens Kupke, University of Strathclyde
- Michael Hoffman, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre/University of Toronto
- Ildiko Schlotter, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- Johannes Peter, Wallner University of Helsinki
- Martijn van, Otterlo (former) Radboud University Nijmegen
- Miguel Angel, Gonzalez Fernandez University of Oviedo
- John Doucette, University of Waterloo
- Shaowei Cai, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Alan Tsang, University of Waterloo
- Theodore Patkos, Institute of Computer Science, FORTH

- Valentin Robu, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
- Zeynep Kiziltan, University of Bologna
- Brian Milch, Google
- Bruno Bouzy, Paris Descartes University
- Elias Bareinboim, UCLA
- Krzysztof Rzadca, University of Warsaw
- Leandro Marcolino, University of Southern California
- Mathijs de Weerdt, Delft University of Technology
- Alice Gao, University of British Columbia
- Tal Grinshpoun, Ariel University

- Enrico Malizia, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford
- David Mitchell, Simon Fraser University
- Jrg Mller, TU Clausthal
- Archie Chapman, University of Sydney
- Julien Lesca, Paris Dauphine
- Amedeo Cesta, CNR - National Research Council of Italy
- Jiong Guo, Shandong University
- Neil Burch, University of Alberta
- Ulrich Junker, I.B.M.
- Stefania Costantini, Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Scienze dell’Informazione e Matematica, Univ. dell’Aquila
- Grgory Bonnet, Université de Caen Normandie
- Philip Kilby, NICTA and the Australian National University
- Gabor Erdelyi, Universitaet Siegen
- Steven Loscalzo, US Air Force Research Lab
- Diedrich Wolter, University of Bamberg
- Magdalena Ortiz, Institute of Information Systems, Vienna University of Technology
- Patrice Perny, LIP6

- Thomas Allen, University of Kentucky
- Pedro Sequeira, INESC-ID
- Dimitris Diochnos, University of Virginia
- Hae Won, Park Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Siddharth Narayanaswamy, Stanford University
- Anni-Yasmin Turhan, University of Oxford
- Swaprava Nath, Carnegie Mellon University
- Anja Rey, Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Duesseldorf
- Nils Bulling, Delft University of Technology
- Mantas Simkus, Vienna University of Technology
- Stephane Airiau, LAMSADE - Université Paris-Dauphine
- Thierry Petit, Worcester Polytechnique Institute, USA / Mines de Nantes-LINA, France
- Sujit Gujar, Xerox Research Centre India

- Yingke Chen, University of Georgia
- Enrico Gerding, University of Southampton
- Tim Miller, University of Melbourne
- Atsushi Iwasaki, University of Electro-Communications
- Prashant Doshi, University of Georgia
- Roman Kontchakov, Birkbeck, University of London
- Bruno Castro, Da Silva MIT
- Marco Bozzano, FBK-irst
- Paul Alex, Dow Facebook
- Oliver Kroemer, TU Darmstadt
- Fabio Cuzzolin, Oxford Brookes University
- Denis Ponomaryov, A.P.Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems
- Rob Miller, University College London
- Terry Zimmerman, SIFT
- Pedro Lima, Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Técnico
- Roei Zivan, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
- Jesus Cerquides, IIIA-CSIC
- Brian Kell, Google, Inc.

- Hubie Chen, Universidad del Pa’{i}s Vasco and Ikerbasque
- Ken Brown, University College Cork
- Laurent Perrussel, IRIT - Universite de Toulouse
- Harold Soh, SMART
- Fanhua Shang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner, Dept. of CS, Jerusalem College of Technology - Machon Lev

- Tijana Milenkovic, University of Notre Dame
- Rafael Pealoza Nyssen, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
- Luis Merino, Pablo de Olavide University
- Joao Messias, Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
- Leonel Rozo, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
- Luca Tummolini, ISTC-CNR
- Chiara Piacentini, King’s College London

- Silvio Ranise, FBK-Irst
- Martha White, Indiana University
- Serge Gaspers, UNSW Australia and NICTA
- Keith Decker, University of Delaware
- Wai Yeap, Auckland University of Technology
- Daniel Harabor, NICTA and The University of Melbourne
- Natasha Alechina, University of Nottingham
- Stefan Schiffer, Knowledge-Based Systems Group, RWTH Aachen University
- Lior Seeman, Cornell University
- Peter Novak, Algorithmics, Dept. of Software and Computer Technology, EEMCS, Delft University of Technology
- Joni Pajarinen, Aalto University
- Shuhei Ikemoto, Osaka University
- Ricardo Gonsalves, NOVA LINCS, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
- Charalampos Babis, Tsourakakis Harvard University
- Erez Karpaz, MIT
- Andrea Orlandini, National Research Council of Italy (ISTC-CNR)
- Radu-Emil Precup, Politehnica University of Timisoara
- Joo Dias, INESC-ID
- Michele Lombardi, DISI, University of Bologna
- Abdallah Saffidine, School of Computer Science and Engineering The University of New South Wales
- Jordi Levy, IIIA - CSIC
- Emilia Oikarinen, Aalto University
- Amit Chopra, Lancaster University

- Shahid Jabbar, Jeppesen
- Daan Bloembergen, University of Liverpool
- Hannes Strass, Leipzig University
- Manfred Eppe, International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley
- Robert Busa-Fekete, University of Paderborn
- Robert Mattmueller, University of Freiburg
- David Toman, University of Waterloo
- Ana C., Murillo University of Zaragoza
- Jan Van, Haaren KU Leuven
- Francesca Lisi, Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”
- Ivan Jos, Varzinczak Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
- Nikolaos Karanikolas, University of Grenoble
- Steve Prestwich, Insight Centre for Data Analytics
- Oskar Skibski, University of Warsaw
- Nitin Yadav, RMIT University
- Robert Bredereck, TU Berlin

- Matt McVicar, University of Bristol
- Martin Homola, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
- Brian O’Neill, Western New England University
- Vaishak Belle, University of Toronto
- Karinne Ramirez, Amaro Technical University of Munich
- Matt Rueben, Oregon State University
- Anna Harutyunyan, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Ralph Bergmann, University of Trier
- Yuting Zhang, University of Michigan
- Tim Klinger, IBM
- Ozgur Kafali, Royal Holloway, University of London
- Karteek Alahari, ENS / INRIA-WILLOW
- Joshua Letchford, Sandia National Laboratories
- Brandon Malone, University of Helsinki, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology
- Tibor Bosse, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- William Yeoh, New Mexico State University

- Paolo Turrini, Imperial College London
- Marcello Cirillo, Scania
- Aurelien Bellet, INRIA
- Joost Vennekens, K.U. Leuven
- Francesco Belardinelli, Université d’Evry
- Francesco Santini, Università di Perugia
- Fiona McNeill, Heriot Watt University
- Vittorio Bilo, University of Salento
- Georgios Chalkiadakis, Technical University of Crete
- Guillaume Aucher, University of Rennes 1/INRIA
- Max Chen, Sandia National Laboratories
- Andrew Trapp, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Andrew Mao, Microsoft Research

- Derek Doran, Wright State University
- William Klement, Latner Thoracic Surgery Research Laboratories, University Health Network
- Bikramjit Banerjee, The University of Southern Mississippi
- Ronald de, Haan Vienna University of Technology
- Jilles Dibangoye, INSA LYON
- Cindy Bethel, Mississippi State University
- Maria Chli, Aston University
- Elena Botoeva, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
- Carlos Martinho, INESC-ID and Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon
- Christopher Reardon, University of Tennessee

- Elise Bonzon, LIPADE - Université Paris Descartes
- Julian Padget, University of Bath
- Carole Adam, LIG CNRS UMR 5217 - UJF

- Shari Trewin, IBM
- Stefan Woltran, TU Wien
- Branislav Kveton, Adobe Research
- Gary Overett, Sun Yat-sen, Carnegie Mellon University - Joint Institute of Engineering
- Jacopo Urbani, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Michael Morin, Laval University
- Christian Kroer, Carnegie Mellon University

- Umberto Straccia, ISTI-CNR

- Florence Dupin, de Saint Cyr-Bannay IRIT, Universite Paul Sabatier
- Marek Grzes, University of Kent
- Matt Richardson, Microsoft Research
- Benjamin Negrevergne, Inria
- Adila A., Krisnadhi Wright State University & Universitas Indonesia
- Eduardo Fermé, Universidade da Madeira
- Thomas Guyet, AGROCAMPUS OUEST, UMR6074 IRISA, F-35042 Rennes
- Sylvain Lagrue, Université d’Artois
- Akihiro Kishimoto, IBM Research - Ireland

- Fangkai Yang, Schlumberger Limited
- Maria Vanina, Martinez Universidad Nacional del Sur in Bahia Blanca and CONICET
- Praveen Paruchuri, IIIT
- Shahab Tasharrofi, Aalto University
- Albrecht Zimmermann, Université Caen Normandie
- Hsuan-Tien Lin, National Taiwan University
- Christos Christodoulopoulos, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Toms de, La Rosa Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Jianmin Ji, School of CS, University of Science and Technology of China
- Marija Slavkovik, University of Bergen
- Byron Wallace, UT Austin
- Christophe Labreuche, Thales R&T
- Lars Kunze, University of Birmingham
- Michael Kaisers, CWI
- Herke van, Hoof TU Darmstadt
- Katie Atkinson, University of Liverpool
- Teck Hou, Teng Singapore Management University
- Marco Gavanelli, University of Ferrara
- Venkatraman Narayanan, Carnegie Mellon University
- Tom Kelsey, University of St Andrews

- Pingzhong Tang, Tsinghua University
- Lukas Chrpa, University of Huddersfield
- Juan Reutter, Pontificia Universidad Católica
- Alban Grastien, NICTA

- Kokil Jaidka, NTU
- Ronald Ortner, University of Leoben
- Francesco Ricca, Department of Mathematics University of Calabria
- Romann Weber, Caltech

- Alexandre Albore, Onera & INRA
- Anna Koop, University of Alberta
- Aditya Menon, NICTA
- Fabio Patrizi, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
- Wouter Duivesteijn, Universiteit Gent
- Ruben Martins, University of Texas at Austin
- Reshef Meir, Harvard University

- Mihai Pomarlan, Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara
- Krysia Broda, Imperial College
- Nicolas Schwind, Transdisciplinary Research Integration Center
- Harikrishna Narasimhan, Harvard University
- Neeldhara Misra, Indian Institute of Science
- Jean Christoph, Jung Universität Bremen
- Harald Sondergaard, The University of Melbourne
- Ralf Moeller, University of Luebeck
- Andreas Schutt, National ICT Australia, and The University of Melbourne
- Anastasia Paparrizou, CNRS-LIRMM
- Ferdinando Fioretto, New Mexico State University
- Paul Groth, Elsevier Labs
- Raquel Fuentetaja, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Chad Jenkins, University of Michigan
- Gauvain Bourgne, LIP6 - UPMC
- Thierry Vidal, Ecole Nationale d’Ingenieurs de Tarbes
- Hai Wang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Martin Cooper, IRIT - Universite Paul Sabatier
- Xiaojian Wu, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Christos Dimitrakakis, Chalmers

- Thierry Moisan, JDA software

- Aniruddh Nath, Google, Inc.
- Heng Zhang, University of Western University
- Miguel A., Salido Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
Miguel A., Salido Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
- Shih-Fen Cheng, Singapore Management University
- Paolo Viappiani, CNRS and LIP6, Univ Pierre et Marie Curie
- Jesus Capitan, University of Seville
- Simone Bova, Vienna University of Technology
- Steven Okamoto, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Clare Dixon, University of Liverpool
- Fabian Giesek, Radboud University Nijmegen
- Bram Ridder, King’s College London

- A. Rupam, Mahmood University of Alberta
- Jan Snajder, University of Zagreb, FER
- Cedric Pralet, ONERA Toulouse

- Denis Maua, Universidade de Sao Paulo
- Mark Winands, Maastricht University
- Martin Lackner, Vienna University of Technology

- John Kelleher, Dublin Institute of Technology
- Stephen Guy, University of Minnesota
- Andre Augusto, Cire University of Toronto Scarborough
- Sasha Osowski, University Rey Juan Carlos
- Yu-Feng Li, nanjing university
- Mustafa Misir, University of Freiburg
- Alexandre Papadopoulos, LIP6 UPMC, Sony CSL
- Guilin Qi, Southeast University
- Virginia Williams, Stanford University
- Dennis Wei, IBM
- Jefrey Lijffijt, University of Bristol
- Salvatore La, Torre Dipartimento di Informatica, Università degli studi di Salerno
- Giorgos Stoilos, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
- Jakub Michaliszyn, University of Wroclaw
- Deborah Chasman, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Bradley Hayes, MIT
- Aron Culotta, Illinois Institute of Technology
- Francesco Parisi, DIMES - University of Calabria
- Nicolas Sabouret, LIMSI-CNRS
- Michael Zillich, TU Wien
- Min-Ling Zhang, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University
- Arnaud Malapert, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis, CNRS, I3S
- Tony Mancini, Computer Science Department, Sapienza University, Rome
- Thibaut Lust, UPMC-LIP6
- Amin Karbasi, Yale University
- Cyril Terrioux, LSIS - UMR CNRS 7296 - Aix-Marseille Université
- John Dickerson, Carnegie Mellon University
- Christophe Gonzales, LIP6, Universite Paris 6, France
- Jacob Crandall, Masdar Institute of Science and Technology
- Dongmo Zhang, Western Sydney University
- Matthew J., Daigle NASA Ames Research Center
- Boris Konev, University of Liverpool
- Mark Carman, Monash University
- Domagoj Vrgoc, PUC Chile
- Mahmud Shahriar, Hossan University of Texas at El Paso
- James Lester, North Carolina State University
- Torsten Hahmann, University of Maine
- Pontus Stenetorp, University of Tokyo
- Arjen Hommersom, University of Nijmegen
- Sheehan Khan, University of Alberta
- Dengji Zhao, University of Southampton
- Richard Watson, Texas Tech University, Department of Computer Science
- Dimitri Ognibene, upf
- Jonas Vlasselaer, KU Leuven
- Marius C. Silaghi, FIT
- Dirk Walther, TU Dresden
- Yaoliang Yu, Carnegie Mellon University

- Martin Michalowski, Adventium Labs
- Dhirendra Singh, RMIT University
- Vidal Alcazar, Saiz Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Joost Broekens, TU Delft
- Klaus-Dieter Althoff, DFKI / University of Hildesheim
- Michael Cashmore, King’s College London
- Marco Lippi, University of Bologna
- Meghana Kshirsagar, CMU
- Victor Marek, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, U.S.A.
- Gianpiero Monaco, Department of Computer Science. University of L’Aquila, Italy.
- Marcello Balduccini, Drexel University
- Ning Wang, University of Southern California
- Chenping Hou, Department of mathematics and system science,College of science,National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, PRC
- Swaroop Vattam, Naval Research Laboratory
- Ricky Sethi, USC Information Sciences Institute
- Laurent Jeanpierre, UNICAEN
- Karol Hausman, Intelligent Autonomous Systems Group, TUM
- Stefan Kopp, Bielefeld University
- Jingjin Yu, Rutgers University
- Hana Rudova, Masaryk University
- Henny Admoni, Yale University
- Been Kim, MIT

- Alvaro Torralba, Saarland University
- Yuanlin Zhang, Texas Tech University
- Michelle Blom, The University of Melbourne
- Daniel Fried, UC Berkeley
- R P., Bonasso TRACLabs
- Arto Klami, University of Helsinki
- Daniela Inclezan, Miami University
- Simon Keizer, Heriot-Watt University
- Hagen Langer, TZI, University of Bremen
- Patrick Prosser, Glasgow University
- Nilanjan Chakraborty, Stony Brook University
- Piotr Skowron, University of Warsaw
- Steven Shapiro, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto
- Ioannis Tsamardinos, Computer Science Department, University of Crete
- Amit Bhatia, United Technologies Research Center
- Alessio Bonfietti, university of bologna
- Jeremy Forth, IWE Consulting
- Lawrence Cavedon, NICTA and RMIT University
- Pablo Barcelo, Universidad de Chile
- Emma Rollon, Department of Software, Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona
- Rich Korf, UCLA
- Aijun Bai, UC Berkeley
- Martin Gebser, University of Potsdam
- Konstantin Schekotihin, Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt
- Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Technische Universitaet Dortmund
- Romaric Gaudel, LIFL / Univ. Lille / Inria
- Viktoriia Sharmanska, IST Austria
- Francesco M, Donini Universita’ della Tuscia
- Sylvie Doutre, University of Toulouse 1 - IRIT
- Bernhard Jung, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
- Marco Ragni, University of Freiburg
- Ian Horswill, Northwestern University
- Julien Rossit, LIPADE
- Laurent Gourves, lamsade
- Tom Duckett, University of Lincoln
- Sebastian Ordyniak, TU Wien
- Di Jin, Tianjin University
- Shunji Umetani, Osaka University
- Jimmy Foulds, University of California, San Diego
- Emmanuel Guere, Google
- Alexandre Pauchet, LITIS - INSA
- Roberto Micalizio, Universita’ di Torino
- Benjamin Lubin, Boston University

- Aditya Gopalan, Indian Institute of Science
- Julian Togelius, New York University
- Aron Laszka, Vanderbilt University
- Gilles Audemard, CRIL
- Mario Alviano, Department of Mathematics, University of Calabria
- Laura Giordano, DISIT, Università del Piemonte Orientale
- Jimmy Lee, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Tim Baarslag, University of Southampton
- Peter Nightingale, University of St Andrews
- Alfredo Cuzzocrea, University of Trieste
- Rui Prada, INESC-ID and Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
- Ana Maguitman, Universidad Nacional del Sur
- Achille Fokoue, IBM Research
- Stephen Cranefield, University of Otago
- Amnon Meisels, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
- Kayvan Sadeghi, University of Cambridge
- Daniele Pighin, Google
- Brent Harrison, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Aaron Adler, Raytheon BBN Technologies
- Bistra Dilkina, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Jose Carlos, Castillo Montoya Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Luca Iocchi, Sapienza Sapienza University of Rome
- Mark Valovage, University of Minnesota
- Francois Fages, Inria Paris-Rocquencourt
- Adam Eck, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Brian Bue, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Yann Dujardin, CSIRO
- Jean-Marie Lagniez, CRIL
- Bo Li, University of California, Berkeley
- Pierre Bourhis, CNRS LIFL/INRIA Lille
- Beln Daz-Agudo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Sebastian Stein, University of Southampton
- Kangjin Kim, ASU
- David Thompson, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
- Arnoud Visser, Universiteit van Amsterdam
- Vicente Ordonez, Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence
- Pierre Genest, Google Inc.
- Lei Wang, University of Wollongong
- Christophe Lecoutre, CRIL
- Zahy Bnaya, Ben-Gurion University
- Antonella Poggi, SAPIENZA Università di Roma - Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica “A. Ruberti”
- Kevin Xu, University of Toledo
- Stephanie Roussel, ONERA - the French Aerospace Lab
- Carme Torras, IRI (CSIC-UPC)
- Minlie Huang, Tsinghua university
- Nikunj C., Oza NASA
- Yue Xu, QUT
- Nicola Gatti, Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano
- Neil Dantam, Rice University
- Rico Sennrich, University of Edinburgh
- Giuseppe Della, Penna University of L’Aquila - Department of Computer Science
- Rinke Hoekstra, University of Amsterdam/VU University Amsterdam
- Haiping Lu, Hong Kong Baptist University
- Kamil Ciosek, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford
- Brendan Juba, Washington University in St. Louis
- Bradford Heap, The University of New South Wales
- Brandon Smith, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Peter Vrancx, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Amelie Cordier, LIRIS
- Jnaneshwar Das, University of Pennsylvania
- Albert Ali Sahah, Bogazici University

- Ryan Rossi, PARC
- Dietmar Jannach, TU Dortmund
- Guohui Xiao, KRDB Research Centre, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
- Federico Pecora, Örebro University, Center for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems
- Kanagasabai Rajaraman, Institute for Infocomm Research
- Felipe Trevizan, NICTA / ANU
- Sara Bernardini, King’s College London
- Bernardo Cuenca, Grau University of Oxford
- Bin Li, NICTA
- Arunesh Sinha, University of Southern California
- Mikhail Kozhevnikov, University of Saarland
- Jeremy Gottlieb, Smart Information Flow Technologies
- Henryk Michalewski, University of Warsaw
- Marcello Restelli, Politecnico di Milano
- Wheeler Ruml, University of New Hampshire
- Jan Ramon, K.U.Leuven
- Dmytro Karamshuk, King’s College London
- Kota Yamaguchi, Tohoku Unviersity
- Oktie Hassanzadeh, IBM Research
- Elliot Anshelevich, RPI
- Tameem Adel, University of Waterloo, Canada
- John Anderson, University of Manitoba
- Michael Ruhnke, University of Freiburg
- Vlad Morariu, University of Maryland
- Manuel Ojeda, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, University of Malaga
- Ariella Richardson, Jerusalem College of Technology
- Tomas Singliar, Amazon
- Gary Pack, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Lisa Torey, St. Lawrence University
- Maria Kyropoulou, University of Oxford
- Daoqiang Zhang, Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics
- Latitia Matignon, LIRIS GrAMA
- Haifeng Xu, University of Southern California
- David Duvenaud, University of Cambridge
- Lina Maria, Paz University of Oxfrod
- Ximing Wen, Guangdong Institute of Public Administration

- Fang Yuan, Institute for Infocomm Research
- Nicholas K Taylor, Heriot-Watt University
- Laurent Simon, Labri, Bordeaux Institute of Technology
- Armando Tacchella, Università di Genova
- Masashi Sugiyama, The University of Tokyo
- Remi Munos, INRIA Lille Nord Europe
- Jamal Bentahar, Concordia University
- Bob Schrag, Haystax Technology
- Sujoy Sikdar, RPI
- Gyuri Turan, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago
- Nicolas Jouandeau, Paris8 University
- Kagan Tumer, Oregon State University
- Ioana Boureanu, Imperial College London
- Angelika Kimmig, KU Leuven

- Valmi Dufour-Lussier, Université de Moncton, Shippagan
- Di Wang, Nanyang Technological University
- Shakir Mohamed, Google DeepMind
- Ramon Pino Perez, Universidad de Los Andes

- Ian Goodfellow, Google
- Peter Schueller, Marmara University

- Frederick Eberhards, Caltech
- Tom Diethe, University of Bristol
- Vien Ngo, Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences
- Friedrich Slivovsky, Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, TU Wien
- Renaud Dumeur, IBM
- Galceran Yebenes, Enric ETH Zurich
- Yichuan Jiang, Southeast University
- George Katsirelos, INRA, Toulouse
- Axel Polleres, Vienna University of Economics and Business - WU Wien
- Alessandro Saetti, University of Brescia
- Giorgio Corani, USI
- Maomi Ueno, University of Electro-Communications
- Stephan Schiffel, Reykjavík University
- Sam Devlin, University of York
- Jose Luis, Balcazar Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
- Yuyang Bernie Wang, Amazon
- Frederic Maris, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III
- Agostino Dovier, Univ. di UDINE
- Stefano Bistarelli, Università di Perugia
- Fusun Yaman, BBN Technologies
- Tapani Raiko, Aalto University
- William Curran, Oregon State University
- Zhe Wang, Griffith University
- Francesca Spezzano, UMIACS - University of Maryland
- Ariel Rosenfeld, Bar-Ilan Uni.
- Pritam S, Gundecha IBM Research
- Bryce Wiedenbeck, Swarthmore College

- Stephen Bach, Stanford University
- Gary Doran, Case Western Reserve University
- Yuanyuan Li, NIH/NIEHS
- John Folkesson, KTH
- Kihyuk Sohn, NEC Laboratories America
- Animesh Mukherjee, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
- Valeria Fionda, University of Calabria
- Ole Mengshoel, Carnegie Mellon University
- Yang Yu, Nanjing University
- Wamberto Vasconcelos, Department of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen
- Alan Hu, University of British Columbia
- Enrique Munoz, de Cote National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics
- Akshay Krishnamurthy, Carnegie Mellon University
- John Maraist, Smart Information Flow Technologies (SIFT, LLC)
- Luis M., de Campos University of Granada
- Vladislav Ryzhikov, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

- Negar Kiyavash, Uinversity of Illinois, Uraba Champaign
- Alessandro Farinelli, Verona University
- Cristina Feier, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford
- Terran Lane, Univ. of New Mexico
- Alvaro Castro, Gonzalez Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Bo Yang, Jilin University
- Shayok Chakraborty, Arizona State University
- Yannis Dimopoulos, University of Cyprus
- Jorg Stuckler, Computer Vision Group, RWTH Aachen University
- Takayuki Osa, TU Darmstadt
- Bamdev Mishra, Amazon Development Centre India
- Yan Pan, Sun Yat-sen University
- Siamak Ravanbakhsh, University of Alberta
- Nimrod Talmon, TU Berlin
- Carmine Dodaro, Università della Calabria
- Chunlai Zhou, Renmin University of China
- Chris Jefferson, University of St. Andrews
- Scott Kiesel, University of New Hampshire
- Paulo E., Santos FEI, S. Paulo, Brazil
- Alexander Forstner, Universität Bremen
- Francois Petitjean, Monash University
- Alireza Tamaddoni-Nezhad, Imperial College, London
- Federico Cerutti, Cardiff University, School of Computer Science and Informatics
- Olivier Pietquin, University Lille 1 - LIFL (CNRS/Lille 1) - SequeL team
- Haitham Bou, Ammar Princeton University
- Suhang Wang, Arizona State University
- Maithilee Kunda, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Javier Larrosa, Universitat Polit�cnica de Barcelona (UPC)
- Radu Marinescu, IBM Research
- Vinay Namboodiri, IIT Kanpur

- Na Fu, Singapore Management University
- T Dong, Huynh University of Southampton
- Yongmei Liu, Sun Yat-sen University

- Gerardo I., Simari Universidad Nacional del Sur and CONICET
- James Harland, RMIT University
- Pramod Sankar, IIIT-Hyderabad
- Long Tran-Thanh, University of Southampton
- Debadeepta Dey, Microsoft Research
- Pavel Surynek, Charles University, Prague
- Shiwali Mohan, Palo Alto Research Center

- Nic Carey, Harvard University
- Ke Tang, School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China
- Evangelos Milios, Dalhousie University
- Marc Pirlot, Université de Mons
- Charles Gretton, NICTA, Australian National University, Griffith University
- Olivier Lhomme, IBM France
- Bart Craenen, University of Edinburgh
- Christian Daniel, Technische Universitaet Darmstadt
- Ken Barker, IBM Watson Research
- Eyke Hllermeier, University of Paderborn
- Sebastian Rudolph, Technische Universität Dresden
- Lucie Galand, LAMSADE
- Kailasam Lakshmanan, NUS
- Davide Grossi, Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool
- Ann Nowe, VUB
- Felip Manya, IIIA-CSIC
- Andreas Pieris, Vienna University of Technology

- Miao Liu, MIT
- Noam Brown, Carnegie Mellon University
- Raviv Raich, Oregon State University
- George Paliouras, Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications, NCSR “Demokritos”
- Marko Robnik-Sikonja, University of Ljubljana, FRI
- Luca Bonomi, University of California San Diego
- Enric Plaza, IIIA-CSIC
- Jan-Ole Berndt, University of Trier
- Nir Lipovetzky, University of Melbourne
- Shady Elbassuoni, American University of Beirut
- Bernhard Hengst, UNSW
- Daniel Preotiuc-Pietro, University of Pennsylvania
- Taehwan Kim, California Institute of Technology
- Irma Ravkic, K.U Leuven, Belgium
- Omer Lev, University of Toronto
- Raul Santos-Rodriguez, University of Bristol
- Emilio Ferrara, University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute
- Concha Bielza, Technical University of Madrid
- Marc Claesen, KU Leuven
- Igor Vatolkin, TU Dortmund
- Angelo Oddi, ISTC-CNR, Italian National Research Council
- Eris Chinellato, Middlesex University
- Nina Gierasimczuk, ILLC, University of Amsterdam
- Thanh Nguyen, Trung tâm tính toán hiệu năng cao, ĐHBKHN
- Dylan Hadfield-Menell, UC Berkeley
- Manuel Lopes, Inria
- Mohammad Al, Hasan Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis
- Chris Crick, Oklahama State
- Fei Liu, University of Central Florida
- Concepcin Vidal, University of Coruña
- Ashwin Raghavan, Oregon State University
- Edward Balaban, NASA Ames Research Center
- Filipo Studzinski, Perotto IRIT
- Lijun Zhang, Nanjing University
- Marco Maratea, DIBRIS, University of Genova
- Marijn Heule, The University of Texas at Austin
- Meir Kalech, Ben-Gurion University
- Michael Tomazo, Inria
- Tony Kucera, Masaryk University
- Li Xiaoli, Institute for Infocomm Research
- Patric Jensfeldt, Kth
- Alexander Skopalik, Heinz Nixdorf Institute and Univerrsity of Paderborn
- Pratik Jawanpuria, Amazon
- Jonas Buchli, ETH Zürich
- Harish G., Ramaswamy Indian Institute of Science
- Soroosh Mariooryad, Google

- Martin Mladenov, TU Dortmund University
- Anil Vullkanti, Virginia Tech
- Chongjie Zhang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Andrew Maas, Stanford University / Semantic Machines
- Michael Youngblood, PARC, a Xerox company
- Feiping Nie, University of Texas, Arlington
- Toby Davies, NICTA
- Alexander Ferrein, FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences
- Rahul Savani, University of Liverpool
- Than Quang, Khoat Hanoi University of Science and Technology
- Nam Nguyen, Towson University
- Emmanuel Nauer, LORIA
- Mikolas Janota, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK
- Slobodan Vucetic, Temple University
- Nicholas Foti, University of Washington
- Takamitsu Matsubara, NAIST
- Charlie Ortiz, Nuance Communications
- Christian Bauckhage, Fraunhofer IAIS
- Fabio Mercorio, University of Milano Bicocca
- Joachim Gudmundsson, University of Sydney
- Meelis Kull, University of Bristol
- Adam Wyner, University of Aberdeen
- Philippe Suter, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
- Deepak Venugopal, The University of Memphis
- Emiliano Lorini, IRIT
- Tao Qin, Microsoft Research Asia
- Saadat Anwar, ASU
- Chao Chen, IST Austria
- Yue Ma, LRI-CNRS, Université Paris Sud, France
- Udayan Khurana, IBM TJ Watson
- Andreas Vlachos, University of Sheffield
- Kim Bauters, Queen’s University Belfast
- Tom Claassen, Radboud University Nijmegen
- Kazuki Yoshizoe, The University of Tokyo
- Amy McGovern, University of Oklahoma
- Buyue Qian, IBM T. J. Watson
- Yilin Wang, Arizona State University

- Aaron Schein, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Tomas Brazdil, Masaryk University
- Erik Zawadzki, Carnegie Mellon University, Computer Science Dept
- Chao Qian, Nanjing University
- Jeffrey Nichols, IBM Almaden Research Center
- Vineeth Balasubramanian, IIT-Hyderabad
- Kiran Lakkaraju, Sandia National Laboratories
- Ivan Serina, University of Brescia
- Leopoldo Bertossi, Carleton University
- Enrique Alfonseca, Google
- Marcelo Finger, Universidade de Sao Paulo
- Oliver Obst, CSIRO
- Roberto Asin, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción
- Ariana Shashaj, SICS Swedish ICT Västerås AB

- Taesun Moon, IBM Research
- Dave Leslie, Lancaster University
- Tanmoy Chakraborty, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
- Serdar Kadioglu, Oracle Corporation
- Cristina Cornelio, University of Padua
- Xun Wang, University of Technology, Sydney
- Carl Andersen, BBN Technologies
- Laurence Cholvy, ONERA-Toulouse
- Michael Rovatsos, School of Informatics, The University of Edinburgh
- Trung Thanh, Nguyen Masdar Institute
- David Bergman, University of Connecticuut
- Olivier Spanjaard, LIP6 - UPMC

- Tommi Junttila, Aalto University School of Science
- Michael Leuschel, University of Düsseldorf
- Chuanren Liu, Rutgers Business School
- Yuko Sakurai, Kyushu University
- Cyrille Berger, Linköpings University
- Sanjiang Li, University of Technology Sydney
- Ozgur Akgun, University of St Andrews
- Tim Weninger, University of Notre Dame
- Hachem Saddiki, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Max Knobbout, Delft University of Technology
- Shlomo Berkovsky, CSIRO
- Peter Trautman, Galois Inc.
- Yangfeng Ji, Gatech
- Francisco Martnez, Universitat de Valencia
- Margot Lhommet, Northeastern University
- Daniel Nikovski, Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs
- Sara Rosenthal, IBM
- Radu Paul Mihail, Valdosta State University

- Anshumali Shrivastava, Rice University
- Patricia Everaere, LIFL-Université Lille1
- Volkan Ustun, USC Institute for Creative Technologies
- Mary Ellen, Foster University of Glasgow
- Shubhomoy Das, Oregon State University
- Ioannis Refanidis, University of Macedonia, Dept. of Applied Informatics
- Marc Law, LIP6, UPMC Paris Sorbonne
- Raul Fervari, FaMAF - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
- Shaobo Han, Duke University
- Mingyuan Zhou, University of Texas at Austin
- Yu Zhang, HKUST
- Aritz Perez, BCAMATH
- Palash Dey, Indian Institute of Science
- Te Rutherford, Brandeis University
- Bertrand Mazure, CRIL - Univ. Artois & CNRS
- Greg Trafton, NRL
- Abhaya Nayak, Macquarie University
- Juan Carlos, Nieves Umeå University
- Sherief Abdallah, British University
- Bardh Hoxha, Arizona State University
- Mariano Rodriguez, IBM Research
- Changyou Chen, Duke University
- Fabrizio Angiulli, DIMES, University of Calabria
- Joydeep Biswas, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Leila Wehbe, Carnegie Mellon University
- Luis Tari, GE Global Research
- Guni Sharon, Ben-Gurion University
- Wannes Meert, KU Leuven
- Robert A, Morris NASA
- Andrew Crampton, University of Huddersfield
- Mark Burstein, SIFT
- Yisong Wang, Guizhou University
- Marie Pelleau, Université de Montréal
- Aritanan Gruber, Rutgers University
- Yoad Lewenberg, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Siegfried Nijssen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- Jianfeng Du, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
- Giorgio Terracina, Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita’ della Calabria
- Liping Liu, Oregon State University
- Filip Zelezny, Czech Technical University
- Zhiyuan Cheng, Google Research

- Vincent Ng, University of Texas at Dallas
- Hong Yu, Apple
- Andras Kupcsik, National University of Singapore
- Yang Wang, University of Manitoba
- Benjamin Johnston, University of Sydney
- Kallirroi Georgila, Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California
- Katsutoshi Hirayama, Kobe University
- Stephen Scott, University of Nebraska
- Sergio Jimnez, DTIC, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Siyuan Liu, CMU
- Audun Josang, University of Oslo
- Richard Booth, Cardiff University
- Rami Puzis, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories at Ben Gurion University
- Tomas Olsson, SICS
- Yifeng Zeng, Teesside University
- Rumi Chunara, Harvard Medical School
Sheng-Jun Huang
- Srinivasan Parthasarathy, IBM TJ Watson Research Center
- Shiming Xiang, National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition (NLPR), Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Marc Tommasi, INRIA, LIFL
- Vaibhav Rajan, Xerox Research Centre India
- Benjamin Rosman, CSIR
- Victor Gabillon, INRIA
- Tiago Stegun, Vaquero MIT
- Yilin Kang, south central university for nationality
- Eric Shieh, University of Southern California
- Zhiqiang Zhuang, Griffith University
- Shobeir Fakhraei, University of Maryland
- Amit Nanavati, IBM Research, India Research Lab
- Zhihua Zhang, SJTU
- Gerson Zaverucha, PESC/COPPE - UFRJ
- Francesco Silvestri, IT University of Copenhagen
- Shou-De Lin, National Taiwan University
- Sylvie Coste-Marquis, CRIL - CNRS
- Simone Fratini, European Space Agency - ESA/ESOC
- Arthur Choi, UCLA
- Min Xu, University of Pennsylvania
- Boqing Gong, University of Central Florida
- Svetlana Obraztsova, NTUA
- Steven Schockaert, Cardiff University
- Piyush Rai, Duke University
- Kurt Driessens, Maastricht University
- Nicholas Jing, Yuan Microsoft Research
- Ekaterina Ovchinnikova, KIT, Karlsruhe & ICT, Uni Heidelberg
- Renata Wassermann, University of São Paulo
- Masamichi Shimosaka, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Josh Joseph, Causality Technologies LLC
- Masahiro Fujita, Sony Corporation
- Ajay Nagesh, IIT Bombay
- Ismael Garca, University of Castilla-La Mancha
- Anders Søgaard, University of Copenhagen
- André Nichterlein, TU Berlin
- Hai Wan, School of Software, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, 510275
- René van, Bevern Novosibirsk State University
- Marie-José Huguet, LAAS-CNRS; Université de Toulouse
- Manoj Chinnakotla, Microsoft R&D Pvt. Ltd., India
- Tao Gao, GE Global Research
- Gautam Biswas, Vanderbilt University
- Luke Zettlemoyer, UW
- Guido Governatori, Data61
- Franois Goasdou, Univ. Rennes 1
- Xin Li, Adelphic Inc
- Joseph Lim, MIT
- Verena V., Hafner Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Sanjay Chawla, University of SYdney
- Bo Liu, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Feida Zhu, Singapore Management University
- Ping Li, Rutgers University
- Ndapa Nakashole, CMU
- Pedro Larrañaga, University of Madrid
- Qiang Zhang, Samsung
- Sheng-Jun Huang
- Giancarlo Guizzardi, Ontology and Conceptual Modeling Research Group (NEMO)/Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES)
- Junyu Dong,
- Jie Zhang, Nanyang Technological University
- Paolo Petta, Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence
- Jean-Francois Baget, INRIA and LIRMM
- Jiri Vokrinek, Czech Technical University in Prague
- Javier García, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Anders Björkelund, Institue for Natural Language Processing
- Stefan Wölfl, Department of Computer Science, University of Freiburg
- Björn Bjurling, SICS AB
- Andreas Maletti, Uni Stuttgart
- Olof Görnerup, Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS)
- Stefan Rümmele, University of Sydney
- Ping Hou, New Mexico State University
- Lin Li, Apple
- Umaa Rebbapragada, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Ines Lynce, INESC-ID/IST, University of Lisbon
- Fei Fang, University of Southern California
- Koen Hindriks, Delft University of Technology
- Leman Akoglu, Stony Brook University
- Weike Pan, Shenzhen University
- Shuo Chen, Cornell University
- Marco Kuhlmann, Linköping University
- Achim Rettinger, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Jos Julio, Alferes Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
- Julie Adams, Vanderbilt University
- Dignum Frank, Utrecht University
- Toshihiro Matsui, Nagoya Institute of Technology
- Guo Guibing, Nanyang Technological University
- Leila Amgoud, IRIT - CNRS
- Shiqi Zhang, The University of Texas at Austin
- Armin Biere, Johannes Kepler University
- Madalina Fiterau-Brostean, Carnegie Mellon University
- Wei-Te Chen, University of Colorado at Boulder
- Mark Moll, Rice University
- Robin Burke, DePaul University
- Liang Du, Institute of software
- Yu Han, Nanyang Technological University
- Jeremy Weiss, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Stefan Scherer, USC Institute for Creative Technologies
- Christoph M., Friedrich University of Applied Science and Arts Dortmund; Department of Computer Science
- Meltem Ozturk, lamsade
- Vladimir Lifschitz, University of Texas
- Damien Teney, University of Liège
- Vinod Muthusamy, IBM
- Ameet Soni, Swarthmore College
- Jason Sleight, Yelp
- Fredrik Heintz, Linköping University
- Xu-Cheng Yin, University of Science and Technology Beijing
- Stefan Rank, Drexel University
- Martin Kollingbaum, University of Aberdeen
- Arzucan Ozgur, Bogazici University
- Vicenc Gomez, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Pei Yang, The City College of New York
- Joao Marques-Silva, University of Lisbon
- Juan Fernandez, Universidad de Granada
- Elad Liebman, UT Austin
- Ravindra Babu, Flipkart Internet Private Limited
- Richard Roettger, University of Southern Denmark

- Matt Duckham, RMIT University
- Stefano Gualandi, AntOptima, SA
- David Jurgens, Stanford University
- Jungseock Joo, Facebook
- Saad Alqithami, Southern Illinois University
- Jiayu Zhou, Michigan State University
- Stefan Williams, University of Sydney
- Jiashi Feng, National University of Singapore
- Zhiqiang Xu, Institute for Infocomm Research
- Jasmine Cashbaugh, University of Auckland
- Lawrence Mandow, Universidad de Málaga
- Mohammad Sadoghi, Hamedani IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
- Pavlos Peppas, University of Technology, Sydney
- Kostas Stergiou, University of Western Macedonia
- Chao-Yeh Chen, University of Texas at Austin
- Kristen Fortney, University of Toronto
- Bob Price, Palo Alto Research Center
- Sebastian Martschat, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies
- Stelios Kapetanakis, University of Brighton
- Yezhou Yang, University of Maryland
- Kacper Chwialkowski, UCL
- Mei Si, Department of Cognitive Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)
- Stefania Montani, University Piemonte Orientale
- Gautam Kunapuli, UtopiaCompression Corporation
- Zack Fitzsimmons, Rochester Institute of Technology
- Zhaoxiang Zhang, Institute of Automation, CAS
- Troels Srensen, IT-University of Copenhagen
- Liu Yang, Nanyang Technological University
- Daniele Porello, Laboratory for Applied Ontology, Institure for Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, ISTC, CNR
- Kristof Van, Laerhoven University of Freiburg
- Theresa Swift, NOVALINKS, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
- Wanxiang Che, Harbin Institute of Technology
- Diarmuid Saghdha, Apple
- Visvanathan Ramesh, Goethe University, Frankfurt am main
- Panagiotis Rondogiannis, University of Athens
- Yi Zhou, School of Computing and Mathematics, University of Western Sydney
- Senjuti Basu, Roy University of Washington Tacoma
- Xu Sun, Peking University
- Zheng Wen, Yahoo Labs
- Aditya Ghose, University of Wollongong
- Mingkui Tah, The University of Adelaide
- Enda Howley, National University of Ireland Galway
- Piotr Gmytrasiewicz, Computer Science
- Avinash Sharma, IIIT Hyderabad
- Georgiana Ifrim, University College Dublin
- Magalie Ochs, LSIS
- Aviv Zohar, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Andreas Hoffman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Subhrajit Bhattacharya, University of Pennsylvania
- David Jensen, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Ricardo Silva, UCL

- Katrin Lohan, Heriot-Watt University
- Deborah Mugunda-Rippchen, University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Tiago de, Lima University of Artois and CNRS
- Behrouz Saghafi, Khadem University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Nguyen Canh, Hao Bioinformatics Center, ICR, Kyoto University
- Yuanyuan Liu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Sven Wachsmuth, Bielefeld University
- Viet Cuong, Nguyen National University of Singapore
- Vitor Santos, Costa Universidade do Porto
- Lei Shi, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Mohammed Zaki, RPI
- Annette ten, Teije Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Andrea Cal, University of London, Birkbeck College
- Ewout van, den Berg IBM Watson
- Salvatore Ruggeri, Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa
- Sinead Williamson, University of Texas at Austin

- Perry Groot, Radboud University Nijmegen
- Dave Feil-Seifer, University of Nevada, Reno
- Chongjie Zhang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Tim French, The University of Western Australia
- Mykel Kochenderfer, Stanford University
- Kyunhyun Cho, University of Montreal
- Michael James, Toyota Research Institute, North America
- Subramanian Ramamoorthy, University of Edinburgh
- Marcin Joachimiak, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Kang Liu, National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition,Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Peter Gregory, Teesside University
- Chenping Hou, Department of mathematics and system science,College of science,National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, PRC
- Robert Wright, AFRL/RI
- Kai Qin, RMIT University
- Sangkyun Lee, TU Dortmund
- Lukasz Kurgan, University of Alberta
- Hussein Abbass, School of Engineering and Information Technology, The University of New South Wales, ADFA
- Marina De, Vos University of Bath
- Junhee Seok, Korea University
- Antti Puurula, The University of Waikato
- Hady Lauw, Singapore Management University
- Vinodkumar Prabhakaran, Stanford University
- Brahim Hnich, Department of Computer Engineering, Izmir University of Economics
- Hanie Sedghi, University of Southern California
- Alvaro Soto, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
- Tianbao Yang, University of Iowa
- Tak-Lam Wong, The Hong Kong Institute of Education

- Wenye Li, Macao Polytechnic Institute
- James Fan, IBM
- Budhitama Subagdja, Nanyang Technological University
- Shoudong Huang, University of Technology, Sydney
- Guy Hoffman, Cornell University
- Wu-Jun Li, Nanjing University
- Hans Tompits, Vienna University of Technology
- Guillaume Feuillade, Irit
- Petter Haugereid, Bergen University College
- Manuel Gomez, Rodriguez MPI for Software Systems
- Zhizheng Zhang, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
- Hong-Han Shuai, Academia Sinica
- Hosna Jabbari, University of Alberta
- Shuangyin Li, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Zubin Abraham, Michigan State University
- Michael Kirley, The University of Melbourne
- Xinhua Zhang, NICTA and ANU
- Daniel Hennes, European Space Agency
- Ting Wang, Lehigh University
- Tengfei Liu, Alipay
- Brian Ziebart, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Andrea Rendl, NICTA and Monash University
- Ce Zhang, Stanford University
- Shohei Shimizu, Osaka University
- Nicola Bellotto, University of Lincoln
- Mohammad Soleymani, University of Geneva
- Wenjun Zhou, University of Tennessee
- Kateryna Tymoshenko, FBK-Irst
- Marie-Francine Moens, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- Lin Chen, Arizona State University
- Dacheng Tao, University of Technology, Sydney
- De-Chuan Zhan, Nanjing University
- Zhiyuan Liu, Tsinghua University
- Naoaki Okazaki, Tohoku University
- Hossein Azari, Google
- Makoto Miwa, Toyota Technological Institute
- Zhitang Chen, Noah’s Ark Lab, Huawei Technologies Co., LTD
- Jing Jiang, Singapore Management University
- Daniel McDuff, Affectiva/MIT Media Lab
- Alberto Finzi, Universita’ di Napoli Federico II
- David Balduzzi, Victoria University of Wellington
- Huaping Liu, Tsinghua University
- Quanquan Gu, Department of Systems and Information Engineering
- Preethi Raghavan, The Ohio State University
- Danushka Bollegala, The University of Liverpool
- Yingqian Zhang, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Hengshu Zhu, USTC
- Gang Li, School of Information Technology, Deakin University
- Vikas Joshi, IBM Research
- Parisa Kordjamshidi, UIUC
- Li Cheng,
- Xudong Liu, Computer Science Department, University of Kentucky
- David Matos, Instituto Superior Técnico
- Antonio A., Snchez-Ruiz Complutense University of Madrid
- Yuxiao Huang, Stevens Institute of Technology
- Georgiana Dinu, ibm
- Clayton Morrison, University of Arizona
- Frederick Maier, Institute for Artificial Intelligence
- Rashmi D.Baruah, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology
- Ghazal Fazelnia, Columbia University
- Carlos Hernandez, Universidad Andrés Bello
- Cam Tu, Nanjing University, China
- Kenneth Tran, Microsoft Research
- Fang Zhao, National University of Singapore
- Jianshu Chen, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA
- Dan Goldwasser, Purdue University
- Laura Sebasti, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
- Nikolay Shilov, A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems, RAN
- Laurel Riek, University of Notre Dame
- Pinyan Lu, Microsoft Research Asia
- Timothy Mann, the Technion
- Tommaso Di, Noia Politecnico di Bari
- Bhavana Dalvi, AI2
- David Albrecht, Monash University
- Jongwuk Lee, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
- Pooyan Fazli, Carnegie Mellon University
- Marco Baioletti, Universita` degli Studi di Perugia
- Graeme Gange, Department of CSSE, University of Melbourne
- Shoushan Li, Soochow University
- Wenliang Zhong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Lei L, Carnegie Mellon University
- Aske Plaat, Tilburg University
- Esther David, Ashkelon College
- Sunil Gupta, Deakin University
- Yoshinobu Kawahara, Osaka University
- Thomas Mller, Google
- Fabio Fassetti, DEIS, University of Calabria
- Yangqiu Song, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Joyce Chai, MSU
- Seth Flaxman, University of Oxford
- Wenliang Chen, Soochow University
- Kerstin Bach, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
- Lixin Duan, Amazon, Inc.
- Philippe Balbiani, Institut de recherche en informatique de Toulouse
- Karina Valdivia, Delgado Universidade de São Paulo
- Huib Aldewereld, Delft University of Technology
- Daoqiang Zhang, Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics
- Xinwang Liu, School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology
- Shirish Shevade, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
- Shahina Begum, Mälardalen University, Post doc
- Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, Columbia University
- Wei Wang, National Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University
- Zhenwei Shi, Beihang University
- Anna Squicciarini, The Pennsylvania State University
- Xiangnan Kong, WPI
- Michael Ryoo, Indiana University
- Guillaume Infantes, ONERA
- Dingding Wang, Florida Atlantic University
- Siddharth Barman, Indian Institute of Science
- Neng-Fa Zhou, CUNY Brooklyn College and Graduate Center
- Vivek Srikumar, University of Utah
- Jimei Yang, Adobe
- Zhiguo Wang, IBM Watson
- Marta Arias, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
- Blerim Emruli, SICS Swedish ICT AB
- Andrzej Szalas, University of Warsaw
- Igor Rochlin, College of Management
- Antti Hyttinen, California Institute of Technology
- Xiaoyang Tan, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Luis Castillo, University of Granada
- Tim Van, den Cruys IRIT & CNRS
- Alex Dekhtyar, CalPoly
- Sung Ju, Hwang Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
- Amineh Ghorbani, Delft University of Technology
- Antonio Bandera, University of Malaga
- Christian Scheible, IMS, University of Stuttgart
- Andrew Williams, Marquette University
- Thodoris Rekatsinas, Stanford University
- Tadahiro Taniguchi, Ritsumeikan University
- Peter Yeh, Nuance Communications
- Xuezhong Zhou, Beijing Jiaotong University
- Ranjini Smaminathan, University of Auckland
- Kai Zhao, Oregon State University
- Ilias Tachmazidis, University of Huddersfield
- Joe Suzuki, Osaka University
- Shiau-Hong Lim, IBM
- Ruihong Huang, Texas A&M University
- Angela Fahrni, IBM Watson Innovations
- David Touretzky, CMU
- Mark Johnston, JPL/California Inst. of Technology
- Bongwon Suh, Seoul National University
- Yuchen Zhang, Brandeis University
- Shujian Huang, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University
- Yong Gao, UBC Okanagan
- Michael Dalal, SGT Inc. at NASA Ames Research Center
- Francesco Maurelli, Technische Universität München
- Hema Koppula, Cornell
- Tong Xiao, Northeastern University
- Jay Young, Jay Young
- Jess Medina, University of Cádiz
- Rudolph Triebel, Technische Universität München
- Yuan Yao, TCG, ICS,NJU
- Jian Tang, Peking University
- Daniel Sonntag, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
- Alan Garvey, Truman State University
- Nan Cao, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
- Ning Xiong, Mälardalen University
- Zhaonan Sun, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
- Yizhou Sun, Northeastern University
- Andreas Holzinger, Med University Graz
- Lan Liang, A*Star
- Hamid Bouchachia, Bournemouth University
- Andre Hernich, University of Liverpool
- Ankur Kulkarni, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
- Takayuki Ito, Nagoya Institute of Technology
- Leon Sterling, Swinburne University
- Suresh Manandhar, York University
- Deguang Kong, Penn State University
- Barbara Hammer, Institute of Computer Science, Clausthal University of Technology
- Johan Bos, University of Groningen
- Lan Du, Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University
- Ketan Savla, University of Southern California
- Sujian Li, peking univ.
- Yngvi Bjarnsson, Reykjavik University
- Jan Wei, Pan The Boeing Company
- Stefano Faralli, University of Mannheim
- Shiliang Sun, East China Normal University
- Chetan Arora, IIIT Delhi
- Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh, QMUL
- John McCrae, National University of Ireland, Galway
- Hongxia Yang, Yahoo!
- Kun Deng, University of Michigan
- Agustin Valverde, Universidad de Malaga, Malaga, Spain
- Zhengqing Ouyang, The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine
- Aonan Zhang, columbia university
- Nirmalie Wiratunga, The Robert Gordon University
- Dmitry Korkin, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Claude Sammut, University of New South Wales
- John Bresina, NASA AMES
- Freddy Lecue, IBM Research
- Lionel Paris, LSIS - UMR CNRS 7296 - Aix-Marseille Université
- Yixin Chen, Washington University
- Achim J, Lilienthal Orebro University, AASS
- Mark Stenvenson, University of Sheffield
- Huaping Liu, Tsinghua University
- Chuan Wang, Brandeis University
- Kyumin Lee, Utah State University
- Wenjie Li, Department of Computing, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Marek J, Druzdzel University of Pittsburgh, Bialystok University of Technology
- Yu Cheng, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
- David Kortenkamp, TRACLabs Inc.
- Juan Antonio, Recio Garca Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Alberto Sardinha, Instituto Superior Técnico
- Nan Li, National Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University
- Jaya Kawale, Adobe
- M. Q., Azhar BMCC, The City University Of New York
- Wojciech Penczek, ICS PAS and Siedlce University
- Jingdong Wang, Microsoft Research Asia
- Fuzhen Zhuang, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Qiang Luo, Fudan University
- Xianpei Han, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Sanghoun Song, Incheon National University
- Aliaksei Severyn, University of Trento
- Guodong Guo, West Virginia University
- Lu Wang, Northeastern University
- Fangtao Li, Google
- Jeremy Lee, National Tsing Hua University
- Andrey Rzhetsky, Depts. of Medicine and Human Genetics, Computation Institute and Institute of Genomics and Systems Biology, University of Chicago
- Truyen Tran, Deakin University
- Sourangshu Bhattacharya, IIT Kharagpur
- Wenbin Jiang, Institute of Computing Technology, CAS
- Jia Pan, City University of Hong Kong
- Sam Ganzfried, Ganzfried Research
- Dat Tran, University of Canberra
- Angelo Fanelli, CNRS
- Alessio Benavoli, IDSIA
- Xipeng Qiu, Fudan University
- Tong Wang, MIT
- Guozheng Li, China Academy of Chinese Medical Science
- Boxing Chen, NRC-CNRC
- Angelina Vidali, LIP6 - UPMC (Paris 6)
- Neelesh Tiruviluamala, University of Southern California
- Wei Gao, Nanjing University
- Kazunori Ohno, Tohoku University
- Michele Dumontier, Stanford University
- Feng Wu, University of Sicence and Technology of China
- Yuting Zhao, IBM Italy
- Hidayath Ansari, UW Madison
- Tijn Van, Der Zant Brobotix University of Groningen
- Yongjie Cai, Cuny
- Bec Dridan, University of Oslo
- Roger Kameugne, PhD student, University of Yaounde 1, Department of Mathematics
- Christina Sauper, Facebook
- Dani Yogatama, Baidu
- Sanae Fujita, NTT
- Rumi Chunara, Harvard Medical School
Sheng-Jun Huang
- Manabu Okumura, Precision and Intelligence Laboratory,Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Olivier Teytaud, TAO (Inria)
- Bridget McInnes, Virginia Commonwealth University
- David Perez, Del Rey Dept. Int. Artificial, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Eamonn Keogh, University of California - Riverside
- Yada Zhu, IBM
- Yasuo Tabei, Japan Science and Tech\ nology Agency
- Bruno Sielly, Jales Costa IFRN
- Balaji Srinivasan, Adobe Research Big Data Intelligence Lab
- Geert De, Cubber Royal Military Academy of Belgium
- Wei Bi
- Roman Neruda, Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- Visesh Chari. IIIT
- Carlos Diuk, Facebook, Inc.
- James Cussens, University of York
- Yibiao Zhao, MIT
- Mike Watts, AIS
- Jimeng Sun, georgia tech
- Aaron Adler, Raytheon BBN Technologies
Senior Program Committee Members (AI & Web Track)
- Biplav Srivastava, IBM Research
- Brian Davison, Lehigh University

- Craig Knoblock, University of Southern California

- Doug Downey, Northwestern University
- Elad Yom-Tov, Microsoft Research
- Eugene Agichtein, Emory University
- Eytan Adar, University of Washington

- Irwin King, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Jennifer Neville, Purdue University

- Ji-Rong Wen, Renmin University of China
- Julia Stoyanovich, Drexel University
- Manik Varma, Microsoft Research India
- Nilesh Dalvi,
- Panos Ipeirotis, New York University

- Peter Mika, Yahoo! Research
- Sergei Vassilvitskii, Google
- Sujith Ravi, Google Inc.
- Wolfgang Nejdl, L3S and University of Hannover
- Yoelle Maarek, Yahoo Labs

- Zornitsa Kozareva, Yahoo
Program Committee Members (AI & Web Track)
- Adam Jatowt, Kyoto University
- Aixin Sun, Nanyang Technological University
- Alessandro Bozzon, Delft University of Technology
- Alessandro Panconesi, Sapienza University of Rome
- Alexander Kotov, Wayne State University
- Alexandra Balahur, European Commission Joint Research Centre
- Alexandros Ntoulas, Samsung Research America
- Alex Fabrikant, Google
- Alice Oh, KAIST
- Amitabha Bagchi, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
- Amit Dhurandhar, IBM TJ Watson
- Amos Azaria, Carnegie Mellon University
- Andras A., Benczur Institute for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Andreas Harth, AIFB, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Andreas Hotho, University of Wuerzburg
- Andreas Vlachos, University of Sheffield
- Andrey Kolobov, Microsoft Research

- Anirban Dasgupta, IIT Gandhinagar
- Antoine Zimmermann, École des Mines de Saint-Étienne
- Anton Van, Den Hengel ACVT
- Aris Anagnostopoulos, Sapienza University of Rome

- Arnd Christian, König Microsoft Research
- Ashequl Qadir, University of Utah
- Ashton Anderson, Stanford University

- Austin Benson, Stanford University
- Avirup Sil, IBM Research
- Axel-Cyrille Ngonga, University of Leipzig
- Azin Ashkan, Technicolor Labs
- Baoxin Li, Arizona State University
- Benjamin Piwowarski, CNRS / University Pierre et Marie Curie
- Bharath Hariharan, Facebook
- Bill Lampos, University College London
- Bo Wu, university of southern california
- Brian Gallagher, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Cartic Ramakrishnan, IBM Research
- Ceren Budak, University of Michigan School of Information
- Chandra Sekhar, Bhagavatula Northwestern
- Chengkai Li, University of Texas at Arlington
- Cheng Li, University of Michigan
- Chenhao Tan, Cornell University
- Chien-Ju Ho, University of California, Los Angeles
- Chin-Yew Lin, Microsoft Research Asia
- Chi Wang, Microsoft Research
- Ciro Cattuto, ISI Foundation
- C. Lee, Giles Pennsylvania State University
- Dafna Shahaf, Stanford
- Daisy Zhe, Wang University of Florida
- Dana Movshovitz-Attias, Google
- David Losada, University of Santiago de Compostela
- David Pal, Yahoo Labs
- Dawei Yin, Yahoo Labs
- Dayne Freitag, SRI International
- Dell Zhang, Birkbeck, University of London
- Dezhao Song, Thomson Reuters
- Diana Mccarthy, Cambridge University
- Diane Cook, Washington State University
- Dinesh Garg, IBM Research - India
- Dipyaman Banerjee, IBM India Private Limited
- Dmitry Pechyony, Microsoft
- Edgar Meij, Yahoo Labs
- Ed H., Chi Google, Inc.
- Edith Law, University of Waterloo
- Elena Filatova, Fordham University
- Elena Zheleva, LivingSocial
- Elisa Celis, EPFL
- Ellen Riloff, University of Utah
- Emine Yikmaz, University College London
- Emre Kiciman, Microsoft Research
- Estevam Hruschka Junior, UFSCar - Federal University of Sao Carlos
- Evangelos Kanoulas, University of Amsterdam
- Fabian Suchanek, Télécom ParisTech University
- Fabien Gandon, Inria
- Fabrizio Silvestri, Yahoo Labs
- Fausto Giunchiglia, DISI, University of Trento
- Filip Ginter, University of Turku
- Frank Van-Harmelen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

- Freddy Chong, Tat Chua Hewlett Packard Labs
- Gabor Melli, PredictionWorks
- Gabriella Pasi, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca
- Gal Lavee, Microsoft
- Gautam Shroff, Tata Consultancy Services R&D
- Georgia Koutrika, HP Labs
- Georgios Valkanas, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Athens
- Gianluca Demartini, University of Sheffield
- Gregory Druck, Yummly
- Haggai Roitman, IBM Research Haifa
- Hang Li, Huawei Technologies
- Hannaneh Hajishirzi, University of Washington
- Hao Ma, Microsoft Research
- Heiko Paulheim, University of Mannheim
- Heiner Stuckenschmidt, University of Mannheim
- Hongbo Deng, Yahoo! Labs
- Hongning Wang, Department of Computer Science at University of Virginia
- Hongrae Lee, Google
- Hui Xiong, Rutgers University
- Ihab Ilyas, University of Waterloo
- Ilaria Bordino, UniCredit R&D
- Ingemar Cox, University College London
- Ingmar Weber, Qatar Computing Research Institute
- Irini Fundulaki, ICS-FORTH
- Isabelle Stanton, Google
- Jaap Kamps, University of Amsterdam
- Janara Christensen, University of Washington
- Janette Lehmann, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
- Jayant Krishnamurthy, Carnegie Mellon University
- Jay Pujara, University of Maryland
- Jeff Dalton, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- Jeff Heflin, Lehigh University
- Jialong Han, Renmin University of China
- Jian Pei, Simon Fraser University
- Jimmy Huang, York University
- Joel Pfeiffer, Microsoft
- Johann Schaible, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
- Johan Ugander, Microsoft Research
- Jonathan Berant, Google
- Juan Sequeda, Capsenta Labs
- Julia Hoxha, Columbia University
- Julian Mcauley, UC San Diego
- Jun Wang, University College London
- Jun Xu, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Jussi Karlgren, Gavagai & KTH
- Kalina Bontcheva, University of Sheffield
- Karthik Raman, Google
- Katja Hofmann, Microsoft
- Katja Markert, L3S Research Center, University of Hanover, and School of Computing, University of Leeds
- Kedar Bellare, Facebook Inc
- Kevin Chang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Ke Wang, Simon Fraser University
- Kira Radinsky, SalesPredict
- Klaus Berberich, Max Planck Institute for Informatics
- Konstantinos Pelechrinis, University of Pittsburgh
- Krishna Kummamuru, IBM India Research Lab
- Krishna Sidhar, Dato
- Krisztian Balog, University of Stavanger
- Krzysztof Dembczyński, Poznan University of Technology
- Lars Schmidt-Thieme, University of Hildesheim
- Le Song, Georgia Tech
- Liangjie Hong, Yahoo! Labs
- Lorenz Fischer, Swisscom AG
- Luciano Serafini, Fondazione Bruno Kessler
- Luis Gravano, Columbia University
- Manoj Agarwal, Microsoft Bing (Search Technology Center)
- Marcin Sydow, PJIIT and ICS PAS, Warsaw
- Maribel Deibe, Institute AIFB, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Marie-Christine Rousset, University of Grenoble
- Marios Kokkodis, Boston College
- Markus Krause, Leibnitz University, Research Group Human-Computer Interaction
- Martin Rezk, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
- Matteo Venanzi, University of Southampton
- Matthew Gardner, Carnegie Mellon University
- Maxim Gurevich, RelateIQ
- Maximilian Nickel, MIT
- Mayank Kejriwal, University of Texas at Austin
- Michael Lucas, Northwestern University
- Mihai Surdeanu, University of Arizona
- Mihajlo Grbovic, Yahoo! Labs
- Ming Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology
- Mohit Bansal, TTI-Chicago
- Mohsen Taheriyan, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California
- Mounia Lalmas, Yahoo Labs
- Moustapha Cisse, KAUST
- Munmun De, Choudhury Georgia Institute of Technology
- Narayanaswamy Ns, IIT Madras
- Nemanja Djuric, Yahoo Labs
- Ni Lao, Google Inc.
- Nina Mishra, Amazon
- Niranjan Balasubramanian, Stony Brook University
- Nir Grinberg, Cornell University
- Oleg Rokhlenko, Yahoo! Research
- Omar Alonso, Microsoft
- Oren Somekh, Yahoo! Labs
- Oscar Corcho, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

- Paola Velardi, University of Roma “La Sapienza”
- Pascal Hitzler, Wright State University
- Pavan Kapanipathi, Knoesis
- Pedro Szekely, USC/Information Sciences Institute
- Peng Dai, Google Inc
- Peter Young, Google
- Philipp Cimiano, Bielefeld University
- Philippe Cudré-Mauroux, U. of Fribourg
- Ping Li, Rutgers University
- Pranam Kolari, Yahoo! Labs
- Prasenjit Mitra, The Pennsylvania State University
- Pravesh Biyani, IIIT Delhi
- Preslav Nakov, Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar Foundation
- Qiang Liu, Dartmouth College
- Radu Florian, IBM TJ Watson Research Center
- Raffaele Perego, ISTI-CNR
- Rahul Gupta, Google
- Rajeev Rastogi, Yahoo!
- Raman Chandrasekar, ProQuest

- Ramasuri Narayanam, IBM IRL
- Raymond Chi-Wing, Wong the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Razvan Bunescu, Ohio University
- Reynold Cheng, The University of Hong Kong
- Robert Meusel, University of Mannheim

- Roberto Navigli, Sapienza Universita’ di Roma
- Roger Chiang, AIS
- Roi Blanco, Yahoo! Research
- Roi Reichart, University of Cambridge
- Ron Bekkerman, University of Haifa
- Rosario Uceda-Sosa, IBM
- Royi Ronen, Microsoft
- Rui Cai, Microsoft Research, Asia
- Ruihua Song, Microsoft Research Asia
- Rumi Ghosh, USC
- Sameer Singh, University of Washington, Seattle
- Satoshi Sekine, NYU
- Saurabh Gupta, UC Berkeley
- Sebastian Moreno, Purdue University
- Seung-Won Hwang, Yonsei University
- Shantanu Godbole, IBM Research
- Silviu Cucerzan, Microsoft Research
- Song Feng, IBM
- Spiros Papadimitriou, Rutgers University
- Spyros Kotoulas, IBM Research
- Srikanta Bedathur, IBM Research
- S. Sudarshan, IIT Bombay
- Stefano Ceri, DEI, Politecnico di Milano
- Steven Bethard, University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Sucheta Soundarajan, Syracuse University
- Sudeepa Roy, Duke University
- Sujan Perera, Knoesis
- Tamas Sarlos, Google
- Thanapon Noraset, Northwestern University
- Ting Wang, Lehigh University
- Ulf Brefeld, Technische Universität Darmstadt
- Ullas Nambiar, Myntra
- Uri Schonfeld, Yahoo
- Veselin Stoyanov, Johns Hopkins University
- Vikas Agarwal, IBM Research - India
- Vincent Ng, University of Texas at Dallas
- Vincent W. Zheng, Advanced Digital Sciences Center
- Vivek Srikumar, University of Utah
- Vladan Radosavljevic, Yahoo Labs
- Wei Gao, Qatar Computing Research Institute
- Wendy Wang, Stevens Institute of Technology
- Winter Mason, Facebook
- Xia Ben, Hu Texas A&M University
- Xin Gao, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
- Xin Zhao, PKU&SMU
- Xuanjing Huang, Fudan University
- Yana Volkovich, Eurecat
- Yan Liu, University of Southern California
- Yaron Kanza, Jacobs Technion-Cornell Innovation Institute, Cornell Tech

- Yelena Mejova, Qatar Computing Research Institute
- Ye Ye, He Microsoft Research
- Yi Chang, Yahoo Labs, USA
- Yiqun Liu, Tsinghua University
- Yi Yang, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
- Yizhou Sun, Northeastern University
- Yoav Artzi, Cornell University
- Yuval Pinter, Yahoo Labs
- Zhicheng Dou, Renmin University of China
- Zhifeng Bao, RMIT University
- Zhongyuan Wang, Renmin University of China